Dog sled ride


This is one of dog-sleds or rather buggies that carry 6 tourists and a musher.

Each is pulled by a team of about 14 - 16 dogsP1150764

We are going to share this buggy with 4 others.

(Below) That's the buggy behind us. The dogs are straaining forward.P1150782P1150767

Going up a small incline.P1150771

Incline angle is now too steep.

They wait for help.

An empty buggy backs down and our dog team is hitched to it.


And away we went again. P1150774

The help-line is released when we neared the crest of the slope, and we were on our own dog power again.P1150777

Resting at the turnaround point ie this clump of trees.P1150778  P1150786

On the go again.P1150788

On home stretch.

End of the line is in front of those vehicels.

See the real thing here - - - the Iditarod action videos !

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